Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

"The more we say thanks, the more we find to be thankful for. And the more we find to be thankful for, the happier we become" ~Douglas Wood~

Every Thanksgiving my family and I go to my 
Grandparents organic produce farm!

Unfortunately I woke up Thanksgiving morning feeling like 
death warmed over… haha
(such a gross saying)

After waiting a couple hours praying I would make a speedy recovery, 
my family finally decided to leave for the farm
minus me.

And this brings me to what I am truly thankful for this year: my extended extended family.
This year my sister was going to Thanksgiving dinner with her in-laws and asked them if I was 
feeling up to it, could I join?
Without hesitation they said they would be so happy if I could join them!

They welcomed me into their family and made me feel so welcomed!
While we ate the delicious dinner, we went around the table saying what we were thankful for. 
We wrote it on our personal leaf that had our name on it and added it to the 
gorgeous flower center-piece. 

The theme of all our "thanks" was family. 
Not only our immediate family, but the family we have because of Christ and the sacrifice He made. 
We are truly blessed to be apart of God's family!
The unity that occurs is like no other and demonstrates the love and sacrifice God showed towards us!

Even though I was a last minute addition
my sisters mother-in-law still made me a custom name card :)

Grandma made hand-cut leaves with pie crust to adorn her homemade pumpkin pie!
They are all SO crafty.

"Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, 
keep secrets like a sister, 
and share love like a friend"

Papa reading to Emma and her cousin after dinner

"Sister to sister we will always be, 
a couple of nuts to the family tree!"

Thanks Sukut family for letting me join in the thankful feast!

❥ Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah 

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