Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

"The more we say thanks, the more we find to be thankful for. And the more we find to be thankful for, the happier we become" ~Douglas Wood~

Every Thanksgiving my family and I go to my 
Grandparents organic produce farm!

Unfortunately I woke up Thanksgiving morning feeling like 
death warmed over… haha
(such a gross saying)

After waiting a couple hours praying I would make a speedy recovery, 
my family finally decided to leave for the farm
minus me.

And this brings me to what I am truly thankful for this year: my extended extended family.
This year my sister was going to Thanksgiving dinner with her in-laws and asked them if I was 
feeling up to it, could I join?
Without hesitation they said they would be so happy if I could join them!

They welcomed me into their family and made me feel so welcomed!
While we ate the delicious dinner, we went around the table saying what we were thankful for. 
We wrote it on our personal leaf that had our name on it and added it to the 
gorgeous flower center-piece. 

The theme of all our "thanks" was family. 
Not only our immediate family, but the family we have because of Christ and the sacrifice He made. 
We are truly blessed to be apart of God's family!
The unity that occurs is like no other and demonstrates the love and sacrifice God showed towards us!

Even though I was a last minute addition
my sisters mother-in-law still made me a custom name card :)

Grandma made hand-cut leaves with pie crust to adorn her homemade pumpkin pie!
They are all SO crafty.

"Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, 
keep secrets like a sister, 
and share love like a friend"

Papa reading to Emma and her cousin after dinner

"Sister to sister we will always be, 
a couple of nuts to the family tree!"

Thanks Sukut family for letting me join in the thankful feast!

❥ Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Alpha Gama Omega

Gone to Frat Row

My bestest of friend Jasmine and I went on an adventure up to UCLA last night.
Dressed to impress, hair curled, and jewelry to top off our outfits we got onto the 405 freeway.

After taking a wrong turn just a few times…
I am directionally challenged

we finally made it to the frat!
And for some reason every single street was packed with cars in every direction and which way possible.
After searching and searching and being harassed by a few frat guys we found a spot!

Jasmine parallel parked for me...
Thanks Jazzy!

AGO (Alpha Gama Omega) 
is a Christ-Centered Fraternity
where my boyfriend is an active member!

The event was a Thanksgiving Dinner (T-Din) with over 150 family members and friends :)
It was such a fun night!
The guys accompanied with their sister sorority decorated with pretty twinkly lights and had classical music playing in the background with a live base player!

Jasmine, Sonia, and Me :)

Being awkward of course :p

~ Jasmine's ~
leather pants and navy top with a gold necklace 

~ My ~
Dark orange sweater with leggings and cream booties

Nathan and his fraternity brothers!

The many angles and poses of Nathan and Me <3

By the end of the night we all got a wee bit silly 
One of Nathan's frat brothers glasses played a key role in this…

❥ Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah

Monday, November 25, 2013

Reunited and it feels so good!

Thanksgiving is almost here!


And though this Holiday usually means it's time for families to be reunited and to come together 
It will never be flawless.
No family is perfect… and no family is normal
Everyone has that weird uncle… or is that just me ;)

Well today
not only did my brother and his family come to stay at our house
for the holidays
they came to live with us!

They drove cross-country so don't blame me for not getting some photos today!
Don't worry there will be plenty later on! haha 
Here are a few from a while back so you can get to know them 

My brother John and his wife Denia

This is from one year ago.
Scarlette is two years old now! 

We are two families coming together under one roof.

Yes there may be conflict 
and yes it will be hard to go back to sharing a bathroom
(I am the youngest of four and have gotten used to "my own" things)
maybe a little spoiled i will admit...

BUT what's going to overshadow all the weird change is all the joy!
We have all been given the opportunity to cultivate relationships and memories that we will take to our grave.

Those late night ice cream runs with my sister-in-law 
to the early morning bright-eyed wake-up alarm..
my niece Scarlette 

We will be able to look back at this time with fond memories and crazy stories!

 My family is a huge thing that I am thankful for this year 
and all the years to come! 

I will always be thankful for my family
You know why?

No matter what you go through family is there until the end.

What is even more amazing though is that my family doesn't stop at blood…
I have millions of family members in Jesus Christ!
Tons of brothers and sisters who are always ready to pick me up when I fall down!
And at the head of my family 
I have my Almighty and Everlasting Heavenly Father
And you know what? 
He is the BEST Dad I could EVER ask for!
Don't believe me?
Open your eyes to the glorious riches He has for those who put their faith in Him and live to be a servant for Him alone!

You will not be disappointed

~ Psalm 7:17 ~

I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness;

I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. 

 And of course strike a pose 
Whenever you get the chance!

Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah

Thursday, November 21, 2013


DIY: Gold Mugs

· I call this an attempt at craftiness ·
My sister (Caity) and I saw this really cute pin on Pinterest
of a plain white mug that was revamped with a touch of gold spray paint!

Seems harmless right? 

Well, unfortunately our attempt at spray painting our mugs turned out a bit more "vintage" than we had anticipated. 
Still cute though, right?? 

We began by applying painters tape to the areas of the mug we 
did NOT want paint on:

After we were satisfied with the tape coverage we began to spray the 
beautiful gold onto the mugs!

Never be afraid to get your hands 
dirty with gold!

After we sprayed the gold we sprayed a clear sealer. 
I would suggest spraying the sealer on the mug once the gold is completely dry.
Remember to take the tape off before the paint is dry otherwise you could take the paint off with the tape.
In addition, while the cup is drying place upright to ensure that the paint does not drip.
Once complete do not use a dishwasher, but wash the inside by hand.

~ Now for the mugs DEBUT ~

Enjoying its time on my lap

 Stealing the spotlight over my booties

 Me and the cup bonding together 
(don't mind my claw finger)

~ Touched for the very first time ~

❥  Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bullying: I Never Realized

Bullying: I Never Realized

Today in my early morning class (Speech 5) 
we began to watch a video: Bully.
This video takes personal accounts from families and individuals
who have been bullied, are currently being bullied, and have taken their life because of the epidemic.

Just weeks ago I remember talking with friends about bullying. 
I didn't understand that it really was such an impactful thing in many peoples lives. 
I said something like "there have been so many different organizations starting up to fight bullying… is it really that big of a deal? I mean there are many other things in this world that need assistance."

there are many wicked things that take place in the world, 
but that doesn't mean you neglect any.
After watching that video I realized that.
The lack of joy and distraught demeanor that they portrayed when talking about
being bullied was so heart-wrenching. 

I admit I did find myself tearing up multiple times in class 
on my drive home in my car.

I couldn't stop thinking about the effect bullying has on families, communities and the individual. 
I began to think back on my junior high and high school days…

Did I bully people?
Did I witness bullying?

And I realized that I did witness bullying (nothing at the extent of the children in the movie) but it did occur.

To take it further I began to think of my nieces and nephews...
my future children.
I would NEVER want them to be treated the way the kids were in the movie.

It brought me to have compassion on the many people that are victimized by their own school mates. 
What a disaster.
I encourage you all to watch the movie Bully
and to stand up for people when you see someone being abused; mentally, emotionally or physically. 

The problem is though, bullying doesn't stop when you get out of high school or college or your masters program…
There are so many "adults" that continue the abusive behavior of belittling others to make them feel better about themselves.

And it all comes down to our inherently wicked self. 
We are such sinful human beings because we have forsaken and turned away from our loving and just God. Thankfully, because God is a myriad of qualities, His just and loving nature (just to name two qualities) prompted Him to send his own son so that we could be right with Him. 

What an outstanding God 
I am so proud to call Him my Father!

Your girl, Hannah 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Debut as a Soccer Mom

~ Hunger For Family ~

This weekend I get to be a soccer mom! 
First time EVER
Nathan (my boyfriend) and I get to babysit his three younger siblings :)
With sports games and birthday parties there is never a dull moment!

Today was my debut as a soccer mom
The youngest sister (Sienna) had her last soccer game…

And if I may gloat
She was a superstar!!
The team had such a great time playing and eating the snack we brought!

Yummy watermelon and cheez-its 

Such a fun game and I couldn't help but be that person who is yelling and cheering on the team 
They are 6 and don't even keep track of the score…
I couldn't help it!
I got so into it!!

Boys will be boys // launching rubber bands

Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah