Thursday, January 23, 2014

Innocent Workout

Psalm 65:5
You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds,

    God our Savior,
the hope of all the ends of the earth
    and of the farthest seas,

Earlier today Jasmine and I went to the beach to go on a 
run/walk for some exercise. 
What started out as an innocent workout turned into a magnificent display of God's glory. 

Living in Southern Orange County it is easy to get used to or numb to gorgeous sunsets. Almost every night on the coast is not void of some pink or orange in the sky coming from the last gleam of the suns rays. 
In the past I used to slightly glance over at the sunset and vaguely recognize the beautiful painting in the sky, but now I have come to appreciate the site more and more each day.

Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Getaway ~ Hannah and Friends ~

This weekend, three girlfriends and I decided
that it was time for a short getaway!

School starts this next week and we wanted to have some relaxation before we all got bombarded with work, school, and life in general!
Thursday morning we headed out to the small town of Fallbrook where my grandparents own an
organic produce farm!

We had such an amazing time playing tennis, taking photos, eating yummy food, and having fellowship with each other.
Life gets busy so quickly, and sometimes you just need a day to put your mind at ease and get your priorities straight. A quiet short weekend with the ladies was the perfect thing for each of us.
We are all looking forward to the future; what God has for us and what he wants us to do and be.

The morning we left, we started with some coffee, a chocolate croissant and a devotional. 
Together we read Psalm 118.
King David talks in this psalms about the faithfulness of God amidst turmoil. He recounts all the battles and troubles in his life that Yahweh graciously led him through.
Even though the future is uncertain, we have peace knowing that our God is a faithful and trustworthy God who is an almighty warrior, and we are on His team!
With our God, we have hope and joy among struggle and despair because we know that He will ultimately overcome evil.

Enjoy the photos of our fun trip and our photo shoots!

-- After we played tennis and had some lunch, we headed out during sunset to take some photos in the tangerine orchards --

~ Jasmine ~

~ Franny ~

~ Olivia ~

~ Me ~

Don't let life's worries and struggles get in the way of having fun and being joyful!

Keeping you satisfied, your girl Hannah